Page 7 - BBHAC Winter 2016-17 Gazette
P. 7

Vice Presidents’ Profile  7

        victories included the Bewl   only losing out on the title by a   When he is not managing the
        Water marathon in 2013 and   mere 6 points.     Young Athletes Nick still loves
        2014 in times of 2:54.31 and   At the same time he took   to compete in the mob matches.
        2:49.27 respectively. Nearer to   immense pleasure rediscovering   He also encourages our young
        home he won the Ted Pepper   running. A Club 5, and a   race walkers. His company
        10km in 2005, 2006 and 2011.  conversation in the Clubhouse   chose to sponsor local athlete
        Mark often attends the young   afterwards with Ian Swatton   Tom Bosworth before the
        athletes’ matches with his   encouraged him to return to   Olympics who, together with
        wife Gemma, who is the   running, and he is eternally in   Olympian Shaun Lightman,
        team physiotherapist. He has   Ian’s gratitude for that. It rebuilt   have generated a renaissance in
        travelled with the U20 girls   his confidence, and despite   Race Walking for Blackheath
        teams to the European Clubs   Chris Haines’ brutal handicaps   and Bromley. The fruits of
        Championships in recent   he progressed doggedly with   this include the emergence of
        years, helping out with the   the Bennett Cup, managing to   Isabelle Bridge and Abigail
        administration and supporting   come third in 2016, but more   Smith in wining International
        the team                importantly shared the podium   vests, some great young walkers
                                with the FIRST WOMEN    have been influenced to take
                                WINNER! He was immensely   the sport to the next level.
        Nic Corry has done a fantastic   proud of sharing the podium   Nick also has a great passion
        job for the Club in recent years.   with Sarah Belaon.  for Multievent and is happy
        He is the team manager of                       to be able to bring the young
        the U17 Boys team that has   “Having had experience of team   athletes on in such a great
        performed so well in the past   managing our young athletes, I was   discipline as this, especially
        couple of years – largely the   approached to look after the upper   sending a number of athletes to
        result of all Nic’s hard work and   age group. I had my doubts, but Rod   the English Schools Finals. He
        enthusiasm.             Harrington offered to manage the
                                age group with me, and we saw a   also has, an underlying passion
        Nic says “My involvement began   chance of real success. The boys had   for Athlete Wellbeing and in
        with the Club in 2013, when my   struggled for a few years, but there   particular mental health and is
        two sons Coleman and Barnaby   was real potential there, it just needed   proud that the Club is leading
        were introduced to Club athletics. I   unlocking. We looked at the lads   the way in Club athletics, with
        took such pleasure in their progress   and set our stall out. Our goal was   its focus on Athlete Wellbeing.
        and greatly admired the support   to take the boys to Europe. At the
        they received through their coaches   time the boys had barely made the   Bill Foster, ed. Wilf Orton
        Mick Jones and Keith Liston, but   YDL finals, but in our first season
        particularly the support from their   we helped the boys and girls win the
        Team Manager Paul Austridge.   National Title, even though they
        Seeing the impact Team Managers   missed out on progressing to Europe.
        have on our athletes progress made   Rod and I could perhaps have left
        me want to learn more about the role,   it there, 12 months later our boys
        and I made the mistake of expressing   matched the phenomenal performance
        interest to Mike Davies.” Quicker   of the BBHAC Junior Ladies and
        than a whirlwind he found   qualified for Europe.”
        himself manager of the Under
        15 boys team. By the end of
        the season working with Paul
        Austridge, Karen Desborough
        and Sandra Richer, they took
        the team to the national finals
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