Page 23 - B&BHAC Gazette Winter2013-14
P. 23
Athletics Report 21
The frustrations and fulfilments
of a world triathlete
good bike I was on the run Having been to Lanzarote suffering my run turned into
in the top 10. I made my way a couple of times, namely a jog, then a shufle then just
through the ield and inished to watch my coach, Trevor a long stare into the distance.
4th – enough to qualify. I was Simmons, compete in the I was gone. Totally bonked. I
happy. I checked the website Ironman there, I knew it would tried to keep running but I was
to see who went through on be tough. Unbeknown to me going sideways and the race
the Monday. My name was the Blackheath Harriers crew oficial stopped me from going
not on the list. I called British were out in force to support out on the third and inal loop.
Triathlon and found out I which was a fantastic surprise! Next thing I knew I was in the
had not ‘registered my intent’. It was my irst half ironman medical tent surrounded by
After a lengthy appeal process, and I was just excited to see women. Every cloud.
British Triathlon would not let what it was like. Trevor and I Initially I was gutted I didn’t
me compete. familiarised ourselves with the inish, I didn’t even remember
Utterly peeved from my course, and we felt ready to go. where my timing chip went.
experience with British The race started well and I After cheering on Trev and
Triathlon I entered the was third out of the swim in as many athletes as I could
Lanzarote half Ironman. 25 min and making my way I found the results tent and
A couple of months passed through the Pro ield on the my result (if you can call it a
and I still did not feel at my bike. I felt strong and when result!) was up. Looking at my
best, lacking the top end! I Tabayesco came I zipped past splits, I was looking at a top
trained really hard for the half riders feeling good. I noticed 8 inish including the Pro’s. I
ironman and in the process a I had dropped some gels and was chuffed and knew this was
friend said he had a spare place felt a little low on energy but the distance for me.
for the Worlds in the ‘open’ kidded myself I would be OK.
category. I decided to take the 70km into the bike I had run Colin Norris
offer and prove a point. out of food but was still going
I arrived at Hyde park super strong.
motivated. I rode down in the I jumped off the bike feeling
morning from my home in light and ready to run (the
Brixton and had a good race. I part I was looking forward to
won the race overall and when most!) As I started running,
comparing times I would have I felt very good, if not too
inished in the top 3 in my good. I started out at 3.25/
age group in the World. It was km pace and was feeling good.
enough for me to feel satisied After about 8km I started to
with my performance. I had a feel very hungry which was
short break after the Hyde Park unusual and worrying!! I didn’t
race and then had an 8 week feel like eating at all so I kept
lead up to Lanzarote. It was an running and felt progressively
intense 8 weeks of training and weak and severely lacking
I was itter than ever. energy. After another 3km of
The frustrations and fulfilments
of a world triathlete
good bike I was on the run Having been to Lanzarote suffering my run turned into
in the top 10. I made my way a couple of times, namely a jog, then a shufle then just
through the ield and inished to watch my coach, Trevor a long stare into the distance.
4th – enough to qualify. I was Simmons, compete in the I was gone. Totally bonked. I
happy. I checked the website Ironman there, I knew it would tried to keep running but I was
to see who went through on be tough. Unbeknown to me going sideways and the race
the Monday. My name was the Blackheath Harriers crew oficial stopped me from going
not on the list. I called British were out in force to support out on the third and inal loop.
Triathlon and found out I which was a fantastic surprise! Next thing I knew I was in the
had not ‘registered my intent’. It was my irst half ironman medical tent surrounded by
After a lengthy appeal process, and I was just excited to see women. Every cloud.
British Triathlon would not let what it was like. Trevor and I Initially I was gutted I didn’t
me compete. familiarised ourselves with the inish, I didn’t even remember
Utterly peeved from my course, and we felt ready to go. where my timing chip went.
experience with British The race started well and I After cheering on Trev and
Triathlon I entered the was third out of the swim in as many athletes as I could
Lanzarote half Ironman. 25 min and making my way I found the results tent and
A couple of months passed through the Pro ield on the my result (if you can call it a
and I still did not feel at my bike. I felt strong and when result!) was up. Looking at my
best, lacking the top end! I Tabayesco came I zipped past splits, I was looking at a top
trained really hard for the half riders feeling good. I noticed 8 inish including the Pro’s. I
ironman and in the process a I had dropped some gels and was chuffed and knew this was
friend said he had a spare place felt a little low on energy but the distance for me.
for the Worlds in the ‘open’ kidded myself I would be OK.
category. I decided to take the 70km into the bike I had run Colin Norris
offer and prove a point. out of food but was still going
I arrived at Hyde park super strong.
motivated. I rode down in the I jumped off the bike feeling
morning from my home in light and ready to run (the
Brixton and had a good race. I part I was looking forward to
won the race overall and when most!) As I started running,
comparing times I would have I felt very good, if not too
inished in the top 3 in my good. I started out at 3.25/
age group in the World. It was km pace and was feeling good.
enough for me to feel satisied After about 8km I started to
with my performance. I had a feel very hungry which was
short break after the Hyde Park unusual and worrying!! I didn’t
race and then had an 8 week feel like eating at all so I kept
lead up to Lanzarote. It was an running and felt progressively
intense 8 weeks of training and weak and severely lacking
I was itter than ever. energy. After another 3km of