Page 16 - B&BHAC Gazette Winter2013-14
P. 16

The National Cross Country Championships

All this despite the It was great to see so many
‘We had exactly ifty young inconvenience of a rude Blackheath and Bromley HAC
athletes travelling up to awakening the night before vests and gave us an interest in
Nottingham for the 2014 with the hotel ire alarms each of the eight junior races.
National Cross Country blaring. A few confused faces The U20 men and women
Championships and what an in the corridor but soon all weren’t able to ield enough
impact they all had’ writes boys, girls and adults were for full team honours but great
Paul Austridge and they assembled on the pavement to see Amber Reed 71st, Beth
certainly made their mark on outside, some with essential Frost 100th and Will Ruiz
the 22nd of February. There ‘i pads’ and no coats and some 96th all in the top 100.
was strong representation without room keys! This was
in all of the junior teams the start of our athletes being The U17 boys race saw 400m
and the highlight of all the regularly locked out of their hurdler Bailey Stickings
performances was the Under rooms, for one reason or leading the pack for about
15 girls team who won their another, and led to numerous ½ mile before being swallowed
own age group team trophy. trips to reception to get and spat out somewhere near
new door key cards. In this the back. However, Bailey’s
potentially serious situation presence did enable the three
the Blackheath and Bromley other Blackheath boys to
youngsters all conducted record a very respectable
themselves in a mature and 12th team place. This was
sensible way and were a real the irst time the U17s have
credit to our club. ielded a scoring team since
Back onto the coach for Phil Seseman, Greg Proctor,
the short trip to the lovely Will Mercer and Sam Jackson
Wollaton Park, we passed the placed 12th in 2010. Will
local parkrun that had just Fuller continued his excellent
started and were delighted season taking a few great
to see Billy and Jess Keene’s scalps and coming in a ine
dad Mick storming around 11th, followed by Richard
the ield near the front of the Webb inishing a strong 44th.
pack. A real inspiration! Thomas Desborough fresh
The setting for this year’s from gaining his irst Kent
Nationals was excellent, vest had his best National
mainly dry and irm underfoot placing coming home in 128th.
with a few nasty, dirty water The ive U17 girls helped
illed ditches and a couple the team secure 10th place
of logs to negotiate all in the lead home by another great
shadow of the impressive 16th run from Niamh Bridson
century Wollaton Hall, which Hubbard, despite losing a
now houses Nottingham spike, still ran in a strong
Natural History Museum. 22nd. Leah Everson inished
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