Page 26 - index
P. 26
24 Feature
head said the management
of the facilities is excellent
the staff have a thorough
working knowledge of the
management of the site and
of the development needs of
young athletes for whom they
become responsible. A PE
head said that the commitment
to supporting athletics in local
schools ensured that a vast
number of talented students
have progressed further, whilst
another head-teacher said that
Academy. There are also BS in 1992 and again with the partnership between the
schools sports days and Polytan WS in 1999 to school and NPTM had enabled
training days, and the track allow for more give and many pupils to develop a
is also available for use in softness. In 2006 the track passion for athletics. All have
filming and promotions was further resurfaced endorsed their further support
activities. in order to bring it up to for NPTM to continue
The running of the track UK Athletics standards. management of the stadium.
is devolved to a track The 2010 improvements
manager and staff who have earned an A grade Finally the words of the
ensure that the stadium is certificate by UK Athletics. UK Athletics assessors in
fully equipped and that it The track is open throughout 2010 have summed up the
is properly prepared for the week apart from Fridays. true quality and potential of
competition. This includes During the week it is Norman Park , both its past
ensuring that different types open from 11.00am in the and its future. They said, The
of hurdles are used in the morning through to 9.00pm Improvements made to it are
right events, and that the Tuesdays to Thursdays, extremely unusual for a club
track surfacing is properly in the evenings only on stadium and the track and
maintained. Norman Park Mondays, and at weekends facilities are unique of its kind.
Management is a non- from 9.00am until 1.00pm. The group and Mr Daniel
profit organisation and any The groundswell of opinion must be congratulated for
surplus funds are ploughed suggests that there is a very their hard work, and we must
back into the facilities at the strong local support for the say that this stadium just gets
discretion of the directors. management of the track better and better.
The track surface has to be kept by NPTM. Much Surely this endorsement ought
constantly been upgraded support comes from local to guarantee a future for the
over the years. The schools and endorsements of track.
original synthetic track was the track have been generously
resurfaced with Spurtan expressed by teachers. One Wilf Orton/Ken Daniel
head said the management
of the facilities is excellent
the staff have a thorough
working knowledge of the
management of the site and
of the development needs of
young athletes for whom they
become responsible. A PE
head said that the commitment
to supporting athletics in local
schools ensured that a vast
number of talented students
have progressed further, whilst
another head-teacher said that
Academy. There are also BS in 1992 and again with the partnership between the
schools sports days and Polytan WS in 1999 to school and NPTM had enabled
training days, and the track allow for more give and many pupils to develop a
is also available for use in softness. In 2006 the track passion for athletics. All have
filming and promotions was further resurfaced endorsed their further support
activities. in order to bring it up to for NPTM to continue
The running of the track UK Athletics standards. management of the stadium.
is devolved to a track The 2010 improvements
manager and staff who have earned an A grade Finally the words of the
ensure that the stadium is certificate by UK Athletics. UK Athletics assessors in
fully equipped and that it The track is open throughout 2010 have summed up the
is properly prepared for the week apart from Fridays. true quality and potential of
competition. This includes During the week it is Norman Park , both its past
ensuring that different types open from 11.00am in the and its future. They said, The
of hurdles are used in the morning through to 9.00pm Improvements made to it are
right events, and that the Tuesdays to Thursdays, extremely unusual for a club
track surfacing is properly in the evenings only on stadium and the track and
maintained. Norman Park Mondays, and at weekends facilities are unique of its kind.
Management is a non- from 9.00am until 1.00pm. The group and Mr Daniel
profit organisation and any The groundswell of opinion must be congratulated for
surplus funds are ploughed suggests that there is a very their hard work, and we must
back into the facilities at the strong local support for the say that this stadium just gets
discretion of the directors. management of the track better and better.
The track surface has to be kept by NPTM. Much Surely this endorsement ought
constantly been upgraded support comes from local to guarantee a future for the
over the years. The schools and endorsements of track.
original synthetic track was the track have been generously
resurfaced with Spurtan expressed by teachers. One Wilf Orton/Ken Daniel