Page 7 - Summer2016Gazette
P. 7
Athletics Report 5
You can’t keep a good team down
Senior Ladies bounce straight back into the Premiership
Bristol from Niamh and a B string
On paper, few would disagree 5th June 2016 win for HCA Caroline Ford
that we have one of the best Our bid for promotion back on her return from injury.
senior women’s track & field to the Premiership needs to The 400s and sprint hurdles
teams in the country. (Which start with the first match, but a secure valuable points. (No
barrier phobia here, thank
is hardly surprising when one host of athletes are unavailable. goodness, and thanks to
considers, by any measure, On arrival at the Kip Keino Juniors, Issie Hilditch and, B
we’ve been by far and away Stadium, on what is already string winner, Annie Davies).
the best Junior women’s team a bright sunny day, a dark We’re still being written off
metaphorical cloud appears:
in the country for more than a we’re informed that one of our in the team standings, but an
decade.) Yet we were relegated senior international athletes is exemplary 3000m from Jackie
from the Premiership last ineligible. No valid explanation Montgomery (fresh from her
win in the B PV) in support
year. How could that be? is provided – as there is none: of Clare Elms, and a double
The answer is remarkably she has been properly registered win in the TJ from Chioma
simple: we don’t compete on - but it is agreed she can and Annie, see us eating into
compete, on the understanding
paper and, like fine wine, we that she may be subsequently the points deficit. A double
don’t travel well. The goals disqualified. Knowing the rules winning double in discus and
this season were, therefore, better than the League officials, shot, from Divine and Team
to regularly turn out teams we decide to take the risk and Captain Shaunagh, underlines
our throwing strength and
representing our real strength she duly wins her event. Several gives us further hope, as do
and thus ensure a return to the days after the match, the our 200m pairing of Maya and
top division. League purport to disqualify Rachel (another B win). Not to
her. It takes several weeks, and be outdone, our 1500m ladies
the intervention of England
Athletics, to have her reinstated. also perform well, despite the
heat, with Kelly Grant passing
All’s well that ends well? her Woodford opponent
We appear to have a mental after an epic battle down the
barrier with barriers and have home straight. (Little do we
been unable to field a single know how important that will
400m hurdler or steeplechaser. be!) Not to be outdone, our
Thus we give all the other sprint relay team then eases
teams a head start by having no- to a comfortable win before
one in the first track event. In our momentum comes to a
addition, although our throws shuddering halt as we have to
squad is the strongest in living watch a steeplechase devoid of
memory, one of our hammer any Club competitor.
throwers is missing, presumed
lost - as a number of the team Despite a good 3rd in the
have had problems locating Javelin from HCA Ellie
the stadium. Subsequently, it Jamieson, on debut, the match
is discovered that she had sent draws to a close with us feeling
a message informing of injury. ‘if only’. There are problems
Not the best of starts. with the software and no results
are available by the time we
The 800s see us beginning the have to leave for our train. We
fight back, with a season’s best receive them on our way home