Page 4 - Summer2014Gazette
P. 4



covering the javelin and long   Yet despite this we made sure    have done more but athletes
jump events as well. Similarly  every event was filled and       are limited to competing in
Phil Sesemann also took part    showed some great quality so     seven events.
in the triple jump and Dan      much so that we proved to        He wasn’t the only one to do
Kennedy came 2nd in the B       be the strongest track team      more than their usual share of
string steeplechase almost      on the day but the weakest in    events. Tom Parker finished
immediately after running       the field.                       his exams at Cambridge
the 800 metres B string 800     Best event of the day for us     University the day before but
runner Peter Tucker was racing  was the 5000 metres where        was up at the crack of dawn
considerably below distance     Graham Rush took the lead        to head to Southampton for
as two weeks ago he was the     half way through the race and    the first event at 11.30am,
Club’s second finisher in the   just ran away from the field to  the hammer. He was third in
London Marathon in 2.24.00      win in 14.35.43. Alex Bruce      the A string with 54.16 and
Both Mark Cryer and Jack        Littlewood took maximum          was then happy to contest
Messenger, on his debut,        points in the B string and       the remaining throws for
set personal bests in the 110   finished ahead of all the other  a point and also the triple
metres hurdles of 15.24 and     clubs’ A string runners in a     jump. However, as so often
16.35 respectively, and Jon     time of 14.43.02. It was only    happens, he did better than
Pairman equalled his best of    half an hour after he had won    expected as he was 6th in
3 metres in the pole vault.     the B string 1500 metres in      the B string triple jump and
Richard Holt also made a        3.56.55 with Phil Sesemann       discus and 7th in the shot.
return to BAL competition       second in the A string in        Likewise, the aforementioned
scoring some useful points in   3.55.32. Between these two       Phil Sesemann scored
the 400 metres hurdles at the   races James Alaka won the        important points in the long
age of 43. Alex Pope racked     200 metres in 22.26 to add       jump, triple jump and pole
up a lot of points in the B     to the second place he had       vault; Jack Messenger, whose
string throws.                  achieved in the 100 metres       main event was the 400
All these efforts helped the    earlier in the day.              metres hurdles also competed
team to finish in 4th place     Busiest man of the day,          in the 110 metres hurdles,
on the day, frustratingly 5.5   however, was Luke
points behind Southampton       Smallwood. He was first to
with Windsor and Liverpool      arrive at the venue bringing
well clear.                     the Club tent but he didn’t
                                have much time to use it as
Match Two – Southampton         he soon sprang into action
6th June 2015                   to contest the long jump.
Our lack of depth in the field  Then he was onto the track to
was exposed in the second       finish third in a very strong
match as we did not have a      400 metres hurdles in 53.41.
single jumper available due to  He went on to win the 400 B
athletes either being abroad,   string in 48.71 and take 4th in
injured or doing exams. We      both the 100 and 200 metres
were also light in the throws   B strings as well as being in
and only had one sprinter.      both relay teams. He would
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