Page 33 - Summer2014Gazette
P. 33
Athletics Report 31
BBQ and the refreshment some brilliant in 3rd behind Southampton
stall selling lovely bacon parents, all of AC and Reading but only
rolls. President Dave Cordell whom were there a few points adrift. As the
started preparing the track the supporting both afternoon progressed Reading
week before and many were at their sons and and Southampton swapped
the track at the crack of dawn Blackheath and places, but we remained in
pitching tents, filling hot Bromley HAC. 3rd. After some great track
water urns and priming the Michael Burfoot’s results and loads of fantastic
BBQ. The parent council set parents David throws and jumps in the
up a fantastic stall selling new and Lynn helped field we briefly took the lead
and second hand kit, spikes out on the BBQ but soon dropped back to
and trainers for ridiculously and clothing stall, 2nd with only 2 relays and 2
cheap prices raising over £200 Archie’s dad Adam also took javelin results to come in.
and giving loads of people his turn flipping burgers. A few hardy supporters
a real bargain. Many thanks Ethan’s mum Teresa did a waited patiently while the last
go to Claire (my lovely wife!), stint on the 2nd hand clothes results were typed into the
Sue Pope, Isobel Harrington, stand while dad Mike flipped computer, all eagerly waiting
Belinda Bridge and Charlotte burgers and turned sausages. for confirmation of the final
Stickings for all their efforts Sam’s mum Marilyn did her result. Eventually the result
on the friday evening and turn on the clothes stand and was announced and had BB
Saturday. The Leach family of dad John enjoyed his time in 2nd place just five and half
Trevor, Wendy, Dan and Amy cooking burgers. At the end points behind Southampton.
made and sold over 100 bacon of the day many parents and We were a little disappointed
rolls, teas, coffees and various BB members packed away but ultimately happy with
other goodies raising over the tents and at the forefront a solid result, all things
£700. Alison Brand, Dave was Barnaby’s dad Nick and considered.
White, Dick Griffin and many Emily Purser’s dad Mark, However, later that evening,
other Heathens cooked and having spent the day on the after the results had been
sold dozens of burgers and track officiating. double checked by the
sausage and raised over £500. Reading result team it seems
Nearly £1500 was raised by Reading 21st June 2015 we actually WON the match
all our volunteers, a truly The third fixture of the 2015 by the smallest of margins,
fantastic effort. Many thanks UKYDL was held inside the
to everyone. Palmer Park cycle track that
Well done to Ken Daniel and is home to Reading AC. With
his team for presenting the a few late withdrawals due
track to such a high standard to illness and some absent
and the results service was the competing for schools, we
best I have seen and this was knew the day was going to
thanks to Rob Brown, Steve be tough. It turned out to be
Hollingdale, Andy Tucker and tougher and closer than any
Wendy Daniel among others. one could have imagined.
This small but successful U13 After 10 events Blackheath
boys team are backed up by and Bromley were trailing