Page 27 - Summer2014Gazette
P. 27
Athletics Report 25
Henry-James shows his versatility High jumpers! Kent 3 x 800m Champions and
Other relays We were fortunate to have club record holders
A number of athletes had an outstanding squad of high Dhir down in the home straight
the opportunity to compete jumpers throughout the season in his first run over 300m. I
at the anniversary games which allowed me to start with wasn’t sure who would have
at the Olympic Stadium, a the older age group boys for crossed the line first if Ben
great experience for all of the first couple of matches and hadn’t tripped but what a way
them. In addition to this, we then to continue to ‘blood’ the to make your mark. Vishnu also
consistently improved in the younger boys as the season set a season’s best in the race
sprint relay throughout the progressed. A combination of which he won!
season and I sense we will set Henry-James, Coleman and They proved a rich source of
new standards in 2016. Ben Edozie at the upper end new members with a number
Another challenge I set the of the age group and then Rico of boys joining or being asked
boys was the 3 x 800m relay (I Cottell, Pedro Gleadall and to join after impressing in
know, I was greedy). I spoke Caelan Raju who will still be these events!
to the 800m runners who U15 this year all developed and Selfishly, as a team manager,
appreciated that it was rare improved their bests. being able to check who was
to have such a good group Credit to Rico who managed to doing what via Power of 10
together at the same time so beat one of the Southampton made my life so much easier.
we targeted the Kent Relay athletes who had won every KYAL
Championships to put this single high jump competition The KYAL is designed to
record to bed for a few years. he had entered at the Croydon give as many of the athletes
On the day, a team of Henry- YDL only a few weeks after as possible the opportunity
James, Coleman and Angus the first time I ‘persuaded’ to compete and to try new
smashed the club and Kent him to give the event a try. An events. To summarise, we
record with an outstanding outstanding performance. dominated and won division
time of 6:24.53. I think we one and were so strong that
were also close to the UK Pole vault expertise our second division team were
record but what a way to end George and Lewis consistently also promoted to division one.
the season! improved throughout the This was as a result of terrific
season, quietly ‘strutting their performances from all of you
Coleman and James dominate the stuff’ on the back straight. I who competed.
throws! was able to assess how well they
were doing by their absence Peter, Angus and Robert finish in
from the club tent, simply front in another 800m race
because they were always in the
mix as the bar went higher.
Open meetings
I am unable to name check
everyone who set best
performances in the various
open meetings but hope
that all of the athletes realise
how important these are as
they continue to develop and
improve as athletes. There were
too many great performances to
shout out but one that did was
Ben Bennett chasing Vishnu