Page 19 - Summer2014Gazette
P. 19

Athletics Report                    17

her favoured spear all the way   had already raced no fewer than   of a problem except, once
from Guernsey, it wasn’t held    5,900m during the afternoon       again, for the poles. If you’ve
to be compliant and she had to   – and they were just pipped for   never carried pv poles through
use one of the pool implements.  5th on the line, with the Czech   an airport (through passport
Undaunted, a solid series, just  quartet winning impressively.     control, all the way to the
below her best for the season,   There ensued a good ten           original, and then the revised,
saw her finish 6th.              minutes of uncertainty during     boarding gate and then on a
                                 which basic arithmetic skills     bus out to the ‘plane – were
Bring on the relay teams         were stress-tested as attempts    they going to be put in the
to keep 3rd place                were made to reconcile and        aisle?), get it on your bucket
With just the relays left to     project forward from the          list, as it’s quite an experience!
be contested, things were        interim points scores that had    Definitely better than
becoming, as they say,           been published. Resigned to       searching for a lost passport, as
‘interesting’! While it would    having finished 4th, it was thus  happened on our last trip!
have taken a major disaster      a great feeling to discover we’d
on their part for us to have     actually hung on to finish in     The verdict
overhauled the Turks, and        the medals by ½ a point! Cue      This was a truly impressive
it was unlikely we’d catch       much celebration, presentations   result from a very young team:
the Danes – where did they       and photo-taking.                 only two of the girls will be too
come from (apart from            Much of the early evening         old to take part next year and
Denmark!)? – we were lying       seemed to be spent in the         we had a number of girls who
3rd, a handful of points ahead   stadium car park waiting for      were good enough but had to
of the Czechs. Even without      transport back to the hotel.      be left at home as they were
the Twins (competition rules     Once back, the President and      too young to compete this year.
limit everyone to three events,  Team Manager were sent out        Twelve months is a long time
so Cheriece had to sit this one  to reconnoitre possible venues    in athletics, but we embark
out), we knew we had a good      for the evening’s entertainment,  on next year’s road to Europe
sprint relay squad (thanks, as   but they failed to find any. It   from a very good place!
ever, to John Blackie) and,      was thus a case of making our     It only remains to thank all
with a demonstration of          own within the hotel. For some,   those who helped make the trip
leg speed and workmanlike        this involved a reflection, with  such a success: the management
changes, their baton was duly    the aid of more beer but fewer    team and supporters; coaches
delivered across the line by     crisps, on the day’s performance  (those present and those left
Viv (following sterling work     and how we might do even          at home); all those who helped
from Parris, Molly and Magda)    better next year! For others,     fund the trip and, of course,
in first place. Not giving up    well that’s another story!        the girls themselves (including
without a fight, AK Olymp                                          those who didn’t travel but
Brno followed us home in         The joys of travelling home       made sure we qualified last
2nd, but we’d gained another     Sunday 19th                       year!).
point. Our 4 x 400m team         There was little time for
(Niamh, Leah, Cheriece and       anything on Sunday morning                                Tim Soutar
Jess) comprised some very tired  other than breakfast and
athletes – between them, they    packing. The journey to
                                 Istanbul’s other main airport
                                 was, thankfully, much shorter,
                                 but Ataturk International was
                                 much busier. We nevertheless
                                 checked in without too much
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