Page 12 - Summer2014Gazette
P. 12



performances of a number of          the Union? No, supporting          welcomed back, temporarily,
our U17s, who are limited to 4       our ‘old girls’ (and boy!) at the  from the world of Triathlon.
events each: Isabella added to       Commonwealth Games. The            All-in-all a very respectable
her three victories with 2nd in      points situation was such that,    performance and good
the 80H; Leah, in addition to        barring disaster, our place        enough to help the extremely
her relay, was 2nd in the U20        in the Final was secure, and       under-strength boys to a joint
A 800, 3rd in the U20 A 3000         the worst that could happen        4th place. We thus finished
and 2nd in the A 300; Jess           is that we would need to           runners-up in the Division,
added 2nd in the U17 B 3000          rely on qualifying through a       but more importantly had
and a leg in the 4 x 400m to         paper match. But we don’t do       booked our place in the YDL
her 1500; Annie was also 2nd         complacency and we started         UAG Final.
in the U20 B LJ, B 300H and          the day with very few gaps         The Final, Birmingham –
U17 TJ; Toyin added 2nd in the       on the team sheet. Our new         7th September
U20 LJ and a sprint relay leg to     Irish member, Molly Scott,         There was only one question
her two victories; Jamiyla a 2nd     was making her debut and           as we arrived at Alexander
in the U17 B 100 and a relay leg     demonstrated her class by not      Stadium on a sunny Sunday
to her two wins; and Georgina        only winning her speciality        in early September: could we
and Charlotte both added the         (80H) but also the U20 B 100       return to our winning ways
steeplechase to their normal         and leading off the successful     of previous years and put last
events, as well as relay legs. Just  U20 sprint relay quartet.          year’s shock loss to Windsor
keeping track of what numbers        On last leg was another U17        behind us? And would the
they needed to be wearing at         hurdler, Isabella, who also        team manager’s nerves hold out
any one time was a challenge         took the A 300H (with Annie        ’til the end of the day? All right,
in itself! Our immediate             winning the B) and U20 B 200       two questions – no one expects
reward for all this effort: the      and anchored the 4 x 300m          the Spanish Inquisition!
overall match was won by a           team. Other event doubles          (Hardly surprising, as the
single point from Windsor!           were achieved, in the U20,         trip to the ECCCJ we failed
(Now will you believe the            by Jess and Janae (800) and        to qualify for this year was
team manager when he tells           Kerri and Annie (TJ) and in
you every place counts?) More        the U17 by Jazz and Parris         Jess Keene
importantly, we clearly have an      (200), Kelsey and Shannon
outstanding group of young           (800), Jess and Charlotte
athletes who can remain a            (3000) and Kelsey and Mary
force to be reckoned with for        (1500 s/c). Our other winners
years to come.                       were: Jazz (U17 A100), Jamiyla
                                     (U17 LJ) and Toyin (U17 TJ),
Copthall – 27th July                 together with the U17 sprint
                                     relay (Toyin, Jamiyla, Parris
Falling in the holiday season,       and Jazz) and 4 x 400m relay
fielding a full-strength team        (Sonia, Natty, Janae and Jess).
for the last match is always         We also took no fewer than 15
a struggle. This year was to         second places, two of which
be no exception… plus the            were courtesy of Kate Curran
team manager was missing in          (A 1500 and 3000), who we
Scotland. Doing his bit to save
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