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Henry James Cowie
Most Improved Athlete Trophy Summer 2013

he jumped off the bus and ran A few weeks later he put his
out in front of it and straight multi talents to good use
into the path of a car overtaking winning a silver medal in the
the bus travelling at speed. Kent pentathlon in a club record
He was rushed to hospital in points score gaining personal
another ambulance with fears bests in 4 of the 5 events. This
over broken bones at best or busy young lad then completed
possible head or internal injuries the track season competing in
at worst. Luckily, his only injuries six events over the weekend of
were massive, deep bruising to the Kent U13 Championships.
most of one side. Again he was He won 5 medals including 3
on crutches, off school and gold, 1 silver and 1 bronze. This
confined to home. His season at time he achieved personal best
this stage looked bleak. in all six events with four of
But his recovery took 6 weeks, them being in grade 1 standard
and he also threw a club record
Paul Austridge offers this which his mum thinks a miracle, distance in the hammer.
citation for the encouraging and we encouraged him to
efforts of a debutant athlete come down to the track to get What looked likely to be a
missed year early on turned out
and emerging talent who involved again,. Slowly at first, to be a fantastic year for the
despite debilitating injuries just doing a few field events, winner of the Most Improved
made his mark in the summer as his legs were still very stiff. Athlete Award and this goes to
With the season now well under
and went on to become winner way this young athlete made his Henry James Cowie. Well Done.
of the Most Improved Athlete track debut in the Kent league
Award 2013. and then competed in the UK Paul Austridge
Young Development league, but
This young athlete joined only throwing and jumping.
Blackheath and Bromley
Harriers a little under a year ago. He really showed his emerging
In his first cross country race class on his first track race
he ended up in the back of an for our club. He was aiming
ambulance having aggravated a principally to run the 800m at
recently healed hamstring injury the last UKYDL fixture but also
sustained playing rugby. participated in the shot put and
But after a few days on crutches high jump at the same time. On Ken Johnson
a very hot Saturday afternoon
and no sign of him for a few our young athlete put the shot Most members and friends
weeks at Norman park he began at one end of the field, winning, of the club will know
regular training in February, jogged down to the high jump that Past President Ken
and in April competed at the before running over to the start Johnson (1988-9) died last
National road relays on his of the 800m. As he finished July. At the time of going
debut for the club saying that he the 800m, winning the B string, into print a full obituary is
was really looking forward to the he continued running straight being prepared by PP Pete
summer season on the track. over to the high jump where Baigent which will appear
On Thursday evening 2nd May, he made another clearance, in the next issue of the
Gazette in the summer.
after doing a great track session, winning the high jump.
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