Last updated
20 March 2016
Past Presidents Supper - 4 March 2016
A good
turnout of 22 Past Presidents enjoyed a fine meal, good company and were
introduced to the 2016/17 President Elect Bill Foster, by outgoing President Dave

President Dave Cordell (2015/16) & President Elect Bill

PP Chris Haines (1998/99)
PP Peter Baigent (1971/72)

PP Colin Brand (1978/79) PP Mike Peel (2001/02)

PP Brian Stone (1979/80) PP Alison Brand (2009/10)

PP David White (1995/96)
PP John Baldwin (1975/76)

PP Margaret Baldwin (2004/05) PP Mike Mahoney (1997/98)

PP Mike Davies (2000/01)
PP Derek
Gregory (1986/87)

PP David White (1995/96)
PP Margaret Baldwin (2004/05)

PP Tim Soutar (2008/09) PP Pat
Calnan (2002/03)

PP John Baldwin (1975/76) PP Alan Pickering

President Dave Cordell (2015/16)
PP Bob Cliff (2013/14)

PP Steve Cluney (1994/95)
PPRichard Coe (2010/11)

PP Ken Daniel (2006/07) PP
Dick Griffin (2015/16)

Chef was Chris Gentle ably assisted by his little helpers
Also in attendance was PP Anne
Cilia (2005/06) no photo, sorry Anne...