Last updated
31 December 2024
Trevor Delahoy died on 23
December 2024 aged just 76. Trevor had been a member for
more than 23 years supporting many cross-country events
and a best London Marathon time of 3:43:39
sad to report the passing of Brad McStravick back
in August 2024, he was an outstanding Combined Events
athlete.Brad joined
Blackheath back in 1984 and competed for Scotland at two
Commonwealth Games and for GB and NI at two Olympic
Games. At the Edinburgh Games of 1986, he finished
He set the Scottish Record in
decathlon fives times, adding 600 points to when he
first did so back in 1979.
sad to announce that VP Terri Shotton finally succumbed to her long
standing illness on Wednesday 9 October 2024.
She was just short of her 79th birthday. Terri
joined Blackheath in 1997 and was made a Vice President by PP Les
Roberts in 2008. A regular attendee on Wednesday nights and at the
various social events. She had been the long term partner to PP
Mike Peel for 30 years.
sad news: Past President Les Roberts passed away
on 7 December 2023. Les, like Richard Coles, had been
suffering ill health for may years (Parkinson’s). He was
President in 2007/8 having joined the club in 1978. He
was a very intense runner winning many events on road,
track and country. He failed to make 80 by three weeks.
Our thoughts and condolences are with Hannah.
"Some of you already know that Les has been
receiving hospice at home care these last two weeks.
Les passed peacefully this lunchtime. I was lying with
him and holding him all morning. He slipped quietly away
just after I left his side for a short while.
Please don’t think of Les as the man grounded by
Parkinson’s. Remember him as he truly was : a wonderful
man, a lovely man, full of athletic energy and joie de
vivre. He was my soulmate and my heart is breaking.
Hannah xxx"
Barrington-King's article in an old Gazette -
submitted by Chris Woodcock.

report submitted by Chris Woodcock |
link to the Funeral Director’s page for Richard;
Tribute to Richard Coles, 1954 - 2023
Very sad to inform you that Past
President Richard Coles passed away on 19 November 2023.
Richard, who was only 69, joined the club in 1968 and
was President in 1999/2000. He was a prolific runner
representing the club at all levels especially in Cross
Country. He made the first team every year (when you had
to be selected) from when he was a Junior until he
became a Vet. He had been unwell for many years.
Across the Garden of England
We are sombre in grief
We salute a Kent Warrior
From the fields of Blackheath
The ‘Everywhere Man’
From the World Student Games
On his way he soon shot to fame
On the road, the country
Or 12 stage relay
Always had a smile
He would brighten your day
Elbows turned out
Across the common he dashed
You knew he was coming
From that unmistakeable ‘tache
A stalwart of The Harriers
We will miss you dear friend
But I still see you in the distance
Around the next bend and
No matter for bonze, silver or gold
We will treasure our memories
Of the great Richard Coles
Guy Dwelly (Bracknell AC)
Some photos
from Pat Calnan


Sad to report that long standing
member VP Len Dalmon died on 6 May 2023. Len joined
Blackheath 41
years ago and was 88 years old.
His funeral was held on Monday 5
June at Kent & Sussex Cemetery Chapel, Ben Hall
Mill Road, Tunbridge Wells, TN2 5JJ.
10-05-23 |

It is with great sadness that we
announce that VP Rob Brown died on his birthday, 9 May
2022, following
his battle with cancer. Rob join Blackheath in 1990 and
he was 72 years old.
He was made a Vice President in
2007 and had been Membership Secretary for many years
and, until his illness, an active vets/masters athlete.

From Chris Woodcock -
BMAF Inter Area - Oct. 2016 - Wimbledon Common |
Just heard that Peter Davis
passed on last Sunday, 24 April 2022. Peter had been
suffering from Alzheimer's. He had 70 years membership,
was 86 and lived in New South Wales. The Baldwins are in
OZ and say 'Cemetery is an easy train ride from
Andrew's (John's son) so Margaret and I will attend on
the 6th May.'
30-04-22 |
Sad news that an older member,
Lyn Atterbury, died Thursday 21 April 2022. Lyn had
lived in Poland for many years and had been battling
cancer. He was just over 75 and had been a member since
September 1963. The funeral was in Poland.
25-04-22 |
Sad to report that in October 2021
one of our oldest members, Philip Critchley, died
aged 90. Philip was a great supporter of the club
cross-country and mob matches and a regular at the
clubhouse until his move to Ashford. He had been a
member for over 61 years. In 1989 Philip was made a
Companion of the Order of the Bath in recognition of his
work at the Department of Transport.
Obituary for Philip Critchley CB,
MA, FRSA. From Stella Critchley
After his happy years at Manchester
Grammar School, Philip went to Balliol College, Oxford
where he read Classics and Philosophy. He did his
National Service in the Intelligence Corps, mostly in
Germany, then entered the Civil Service in London. He
rose to the rank of Under Secretary, working in the
Dept. of Environment, where he managed the North West
Study and was particularly pleased with getting the
William Harvey Hospital sited on the edge of Ashford in
Kent, near to junction 10 on M20. He moved to the
Ministry of Transport to oversee the development of the
motorway system. He was particularly concerned with
design and safety; he was horrified by the recent “smart
motorway “ installations. He made sure there was a new
service area at Clacket Lane on M25 to fill a gap on the
heaviest used stretch, and provided contracts for wild
meadow flowers on embankments – hence the glorious
cowslips at Capel le Ferne.
Throughout his life, he was an enthusiastic
cross-country runner and also competed in about 15 road
marathons, but he was happiest fell-running and climbing
in the Lake District, to which he retired for 20 years
before returning to his family in Ashford when he became
frail. He lived near Ulverston and worked for the mental
health charity Mind, having trained as a councellor.
Philip was a strong, kind and hardworking man, loved and
respected by his friends and family: brother Neville,
wife Stella , children Conrad, Brian and Rachel, their
12 children and stepchildren and two small great
3-12-21 |
Sad to report that long term
supporter and official David Benneworth has died
aged just 73. David suffered a fall at home, was taken
to hospital but deteriorated over a few days and died
early morning of 7 September 2021. David was still field
event judging until two or three years ago. His wife
Bridget also played her part in the club, in particular
as a team manager and behind the counter at the Norman
Park snack bar. Our thoughts are with Bridget and her
David’s funeral took place on
Wednesday 13 October 2021 at Beckenham Crematorium.
13-10-21 |

Alan Domleo
Alan was first claim for Derby &
County but had been second claim for Blackheath
Harriers. A 2h 17m marathon man was 77 when he passed on
23 August 2021.

Click images to enlarge
"It is with great sadness that we are
having to write and inform you that Mum, Pauline (PP
Ian Wilson's wife), passed away yesterday afternoon
(22 July 2021). As you may be aware she had been
ill for a long time and over the last few weeks had been
deteriorating; this escalated rapidly yesterday and she
passed away peacefully around lunchtime."
Ben &
Pauline's funeral was on Monday 6 September
2021 at Banbury Crematorium, Southam Rd, Banbury OX16
1ST. Mark & Ben
Ian Wilson PP
It is with great sadness
that we have to inform you that Dad has finished his
last race. He passed away in the early hours
of this morning, 6 December 2020, very peacefully as
he surged across the finishing line.
We are all devastated and
are taking our time to remember an amazing, kind and
thoughtful man.
As some of you will know
Mum has her own medical issues and has found this
quite overwhelming, tiring and draining.
Kind Regards
Mark and Ben
The following write-up comes
from Pat Calnan, PP:
It had already been a tough year
for the passing of Club members and now we have lost
Past President Ian Wilson. As always his obituary will
appear in the Gazette and it will need to be a bumper
edition, but briefly…
Joined the Club in June 1959 and
was just 76 years old.
Best of 7th in the Southern Junior
Cross Country Champs.
Best of 16th in the National Junior Cross Country
Best of 11th in the Southern Senior Cross Country
Best of 70th in the National Senior Cross Country
Finished in the scoring 6 in all
15 Nationals he ran for the Club
Finished in scoring 6 in 15 of the 17 Southerns he ran
for the Club.
A regular in the Club’s road relay teams and a British
League track athlete
Pb for 5000m – 14.47.4
Pb for 10,000 – 30.26.6
Pb for 10 miles – 50.49
Pb for marathon – 2.28.16
Club President 1981-82, one of our
youngest ever Presidents
President of the Southern Counties Cross Country
Association 1982
President of the South Of The Thames Cross Country
Association 1982
Southern CCCA team manager
England Cross Country Union Junior
mens team manager
England Cross Country Union Senior mens team manager
Great Britain Senior Mens Cross
Country team manager 1989 – 1995 including 7 World Cross
Country Championships
Blackheath Cross Country and Road
team manager
Active coach since 1964 and to,
amongst others, 10 time world record holder Angela
Copson, the first over 65 woman in the world to run
under 6 minutes for the mile. (Read “The Runners Year”
by Ian on the website)
Level 2 starter and marksman.
Vice President of Leicestershire and Rutland AA.
News of his passing has brought
tributes from former National cross country champions
Tim Hutchings, Dave Clarke, John Nuttall and Andrea
Whitcombe; from many whose first experience of
International competition was under his charge; from Ian
Byett on behalf of the ECCA, from marathon legend Bill
Adcocks; from International athlete, announcer and
father of Jake, Geoff Wightman; and from many others
whose lives he touched. Although he had been ill for a
while, and lived at a distance from Hayes, he was still
closely following Club matters. One of his articles is
in the can for the next Gazette and he had contributed
to Agata Cienciala’s MA research.
Laughter was never far away when
Ian was around and he is going to be missed by a lot of
people, who will be thinking of Pauline and sons Mark
and Ben and their families.

Colin Brand PP
Sadly we have to report that Colin finally succumbed to
his illness on the 5 September 2020 aged 84. He joined
Blackheath Harriers in 1952, 68 years ago, and was
elected President in 1979. An ever present in the heavy
events of which the Javelin was his main event - from
junior to senior to veteran.
A Kent Junior champion, a Kent Senior
Champion, a County, Area and National Masters champion,
a National Record Holder, a National League athlete, a
Southern League athlete, a Masters League athlete, a
Head of Communications, a Gazette Editor, a 200 Club
organiser, a Committee member, a rower, a supporter of
Cross Country, a supporter of track and field.
Although not built as a runner he
did complete the London Marathon in 1982 in the very
reasonable time of 4h 13m. In latter years he will be
remembered for helping out at the bar on Wednesday
nights and supporting, along with his wife Past
President Alison Brand, all the social events.

